December 04, 2010


Kenapa gue ngeliat foto diatas ini ga sexy ya?

Bukan, ini bukan sentimen sesama wanita, gue tau kok Miranda Kerr sexy, meskipun dia menghancurkan hati gue dengan being with Orlando Bloom, but that's okay.
Dan foto ini, and I don't think this girl (on this pic) is sexy, kenapa ya?
Model ini, menurut gue, terlalu maksa buat jadi sexy (so do Jupe dkk), so sorry to say but she looks cheap instead of sexy, bener ga sih?
Padahal, being sexy is not all about taking off your clothes, kan? So, girls, berhentilah foto cuma pake bra doang, it's disgusting to imagine of your precious thing seen by abang warnet, abang ojek, remaja cabul, dll.
Because we're too young, fierce, and too beautiful to be a bitch, we are sexy in a smart way.

gambar dari google, sorry ya mbak model.